Friday, August 1, 2008

Treatment Options for Mesothelioma Patients Always Evolving

The medicine world in general is always progressing, but in the world of mesothelioma and the patients afflicted with the fatal cancer, this has been especially true recently.

Some big news that came out recently was that there may be genetic predisposition towards mesothelioma. Hawaiian scientist Dr. Michele Carbone studied patients in Turkey where a village was exposed to a mineral similar to asbestos. While some families all died, others were perfectly healthy. This finding could help lead scientists to discover what gene could be the cause of mesothelioma and perhaps lead to advanced treatment, or dare we hope, a cure.

In the present it’s great to be hopeful but what we have now is a blend of mesothelioma treatments that are continually progressing and in turn leading to longer, more enjoyable lives.
The “major” treatments are pretty well known and include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation.

Outside of those, though, there are other options that can compliment major surgeries and therapies. Alternative medicine options in particular are becoming more important all of the time. In fact, Jonathan Chamberlain has an excellent line of books dealing with how to recover from cancer using alternative methods. For more information, please read “Cancer-The Complete Recovery Guide.”

Massage therapy promotes a number of important health benefits, promoting blood and lymphatic flow and improves circulation, which results in relieved muscle tension. It also stimulates the nervous and digestive system and can relieve chronic pain and improve skin function.

Another alternative medicine remedy is daily supplements. As long as they don’t conflict with current prescriptions, supplements can greatly improve quality of life and enhance any ongoing treatment you may be going through. Dietary supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbs, and amino acids. These are all needed to carry out essential life functions and supplements can provide the body with needed chemicals when diet alone cannot.

Yoga is yet another approach that many cancer patients find helpful. Yoga is good whether you are healthy or sick because it can strengthen and tone the entire body, all while improving flexibility. In addition, it gives patients a peaceful state of mind, which can never be underestimated.
Often times, the above approaches are best utilized in combination. All methods of therapy should be performed under the supervision of a doctor, who will have their own suggestions and medical opinions that are always important to keep in mind and follow.

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