Thursday, January 31, 2008

Construction worker died of asbestos-related cancer

A FORMER construction worker from Droitwich died from an asbestos-related cancer, an inquest was told.

William Williams died aged 74 on Tuesday, September 4, at the Worcestershire Royal Hospital.
Mr Williams died three years after being diagnosed with mesothelioma, an asbestos-related cancer, three years ago.

Deputy coroner Margaret Barnard read out a statement from Mr Williams' wife of 49 years, Daphne.

In it, Mrs Williams said Mr Williams had worked all his life in the construction industry as a scaffolder and later as a supervisor.

She said he had worked for various firms and, while he did not handle asbestos in the course of his job, it was on site and she believed he had probably helped carry sheets of it. A post-mortem examination showed Mr Williams died from malignant pleural mesothelioma as a result of asbestos exposure.

Mrs Barnard recorded a verdict of death as a result of industrial disease.

This article was originally published at worcesternews on January

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