Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Asbestos - The Silent Killer

(mesothelioma-central.com) Asbestos is the single biggest work place killer today. People who have worked with the material are at serious risk from developing lung cancer, asbestosis and mesothelioma, fatal respiratory illnesses that debilitate their victims. Evidence of asbestos’ deadly effect on those who breathe its fibres is likely to multiply in the decades to come.

Asbestos was once heralded as the greatest building material available to those in the construction industries. Its high tensile strength, durability and flexibility, as well as heat insulation and fire retardant properties meant that it could save lives, make buildings strong and make industries rich. It was first used by the Greeks some 2000 years ago. They were aware of the health hazards it posed but believed that its magical ability to withstand fire far outweighed this danger.

The dangers to health were all but ‘forgotten’ until at the turn of the twentieth century when medical researchers noticed a large number of deaths and lung problems occurring in asbestos mining towns. In 1917 and 1918, several United States studies discovered that asbestos workers were dying unnaturally young.

Asbestosis was first diagnosed in a 33 year old woman in 1924, this lead to studies being carried out on asbestos workers in the UK. Examinations on the workers showed that thirty percent had asbestos-related lung disease. UK laws were introduced in 1931 to increase ventilation and to make asbestosis an identifiable work related illness.

Despite the established link between asbestos and lung diseases the industry continued to grow well into the last century. At the peak of its usage asbestos was produced in 24 countries worldwide; it was also manufactured in over 100. World production climaxed at over 5 million tonnes. The building, shipping, insulation and demolition companies whose workers came into contact with asbestos were often aware that their staff were at risk. They did not take sufficient steps to protect their workforce from personal injury.

Sadly the effects of asbestos take many years to manifest themselves. People who worked in the construction industries some 20 to 40 years ago may still be awaiting their fate. Asbestos causes several diseases, two of which occur only in those who have had contact with asbestos, asbestosis and mesothelioma. Lung cancer and emphysema are more commonly associated with smoking but frequently occur in non smokers with a history of asbestos contact.

It is thought that the worst is yet to come. The peak of asbestos usage was in the 60’s and 70’s so many people may develop lung diseases in the near future.

Due to the latency of asbestos diseases it is thought that we will be seeing many more incidences of mesothelioma in the next 25 years. Hugh Robertson, head of health and safety at the British TUC says: “A realistic estimate is that within the EU alone 500,000 will die in the next 35 years, half from mesothelioma and half from lung cancer. In Japan, an estimated 100,000 will die. If you add the Australian, Canadian and US figures then even a million is an under estimation - and that is only for the developed countries.”

People affected by asbestos are entitled to compensation from the companies who knowingly exposed them many years ago.

People affected by asbestos related illness should speak to a personal injury solicitor who has experience in asbestos cases.

For free legal advice visit www.youclaim.co.uk to learn more about asbestos and to make a claim, or alternatively you can call us on 0800 10 757 95.

YouClaims’ solicitors have many years experience of handling asbestos related claims. They help people rebuild their future following exposure to the deadly effects of asbestos.

Editorial notes: YouClaim provides full accident litigation compensation services. Helps people to claim compensation for all types of injury from whiplash to head injuries.

Mesothelioma Attorney - How to Choose an Attorney for Mesothelioma

(health-centre.cn) Finding a mesothelioma attorney through directories may be helpful for initial screening. As far as choosing one is concerned, it comes to make your decisions based on hard facts of life that if you or one of your family member is the victim of mesothelioma, the attorney must have a proven track record of bringing justice to your already sullen situation; after all, an attorney is an attorney.

A mesothelioma attorney specializes in wrongful death and personal injury lawsuits connected to asbestos exposure. They do this by targeting the companies that can be held accountable for asbestos exposure, which almost certainly is the cause of mesothelioma.

Choosing a Mesothelioma Attorney Choosing a mesothelioma attorney is not a small deal, especially looking at the number of failed lawsuits and the bombastic lawyers. To this end, consumer guides may help a lot. In addition to their reputations, you will need to figure out how to deal with intricate financial aspects of selecting a mesothelioma lawyer. Anyways, the crux of the matter is about choosing the most suitable mesothelioma attorney for you.

Ask Mesothelioma Attorney a Few Questions Ask a few questions to the attorney so that you can evaluate him or her more, but take care not to intimidate her or him. Here are the questions.

  1. What is the attorney’s personal experience with regard to standing for mesothelioma patients?
  2. Is he or she really intends to take up your case or is planning to transfer to another for a commission?
  3. How is the lawyer intending to involve you in the process of decision making

A typical mesothelioma lawyer has more often than not succeeded in getting an award of $1 million, got 40% of this amount in fees. As if, that wasn’t enough, many a lawyer advertises on the TV, however, be advised that let a TV commercial be not the reason to hire a mesothelioma lawyer. You must keep this one fact upper most in your mind before you finally engage a lawyer’s service. So, now it is obvious why mesothelioma attorneys are very eager to take up mesothelioma cases.

Attorney Reputable mesothelioma attorneys understand that each case is ridden with unique complexities and pay personalized attention to pursue with their huge experience and knowledge of mesothelioma related issues and asbestos industry. Attorney for mesothelioma, being an advocate of long standing reputation would have handled complex cases of torts involving MTBE and TCE water and radiation contamination, and many more, upon whose experience he can draw.

Stay away from attorneys that transfer your case to another law firm and receive commission in exchange. Larger firms, by contrast, may assign a junior or a paralegal staff to handle your case. The truth beckons that you are entitled to and in need of a reputed and an experienced mesothelioma attorney having a proven track record in mesothelioma cases to represent you.

In principle, mesothelioma attorney should guarantee that there will not be any cost to you till the award of compensation and should ensure your family gets protection.


Asbestos and Mesothelioma: A Younger Generation Now at Risk

(ARA) - Everyone knows the dangers of asbestos. What was once commonplace in factories and the construction industry has caused a slew of health problems to those who have been exposed. Mesothelioma is a type of cancer caused by this exposure, and it's not just people who worked directly with asbestos who now need to be concerned.

The word "mesothelioma" comes from the "mesothelium," which is a thin lining that covers many of the body's internal organs. Mesothelioma occurs when malignant, cancerous cells develop in this lining. Mesothelioma can occur even if you've had extremely low levels of asbestos exposure.

What was once just a worry for those involved in industries where asbestos was used has now become a concern for their spouses and children. So-called "paraoccupational" mesothelioma is a risk for anyone with a family member who has worked in an asbestos-using industry. That means the daily hug from dad after he got home from work or a wife simply washing her husband's work clothes can be enough exposure to cause health problems.

The latency period of mesothelioma is typically 30 to 40 years. That means you could have breathed in asbestos fibers brought home by a friend or family member as long ago as the 1950s and 1960s and only now be experiencing symptoms.

In a major study, doctors from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City reported on the affects of asbestos exposure to the families of men who manufactured asbestos insulation. None of these family members had direct contact with asbestos, but 35 percent had asbestos-related health problems, including mesothelioma.

If you think you have been exposed to asbestos fibers directly or indirectly, your first responsibility is to your health. Symptoms include lung problems such as dry cough and shortness of breath; stomach problems such as nausea, loss of appetite and bloating; and heart problems causing chest pain. The symptoms of mesothelioma are often confused with other, less serious illnesses, so you should visit your doctor for an official diagnosis.

Your second responsibility if you are diagnosed with mesothelioma is to make sure you get the ongoing care you need. For years, manufacturers of asbestos containing products have been held legally responsible for what those substances have done to workers with prolonged exposure. Today, they are also being held to the same responsibility for the families and friends of those workers.

Courtesy of ARAcontent