Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mesothelioma Facts Found on eMedicine

Included within the Carcinomas of the Lung and Other Intrathoracic Carcinomas section on eMedicine from WebMD, Winston W Tan, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Mayo Medical School, authors detailed information on mesothelioma. Tan provides overview information on mesothelioma as well as differential diagnoses and workup, treatment and medication, and followup.

Laboratory Studies, Imaging Studies, Procedures, and Staging are covered in detail when explaining the workup a patient will undergo during the diagnostic process of mesothelioma. When identifying the treatments and medications available to mesothelioma patients, the documentation provides regimen information for chemotherapy drugs such as cisplatin and pemetrexed plus gemcitabine.

Along with the detailed mesothelioma information, links are provided to associated articles for asbestos-related diseases including asbestosis, and other occupational respiratory conditions. Articles published in Medscape, on WebMD, and through other medical journals may be provided as well as slide shows and videos from presentations and other venues.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Mesothelioma Prevention: Asbestos Regulations Strengthened in New York City

Recent legislation passed in New York City will significantly improve the health and safety concerns of workers during large demolition and reconstruction projects.

mesothelioma treatment | mesothelioma symptoms

The new legislation is included in a 12-part series of bills intended to change regulations regarding asbestos, construction and demolition. The underlying motive of the bills is to reduce asbestos exposure through several new safety practices.

Exposure to asbestos is known to cause serious health conditions, including lung cancer, asbestosis and malignant mesothelioma. All three of these conditions can be life-threatening as they are usually diagnosed in the advanced stages of development.

One important section of the legislation will prevent demolition and asbestos abatement projects from being performed at the same time, thus reducing the amount of people exposed to asbestos. Before these regulations, demolition crews were able to walk around without masks or respirators while asbestos abatement was being conducted.

Other pieces of the legislation will require contractors to take tougher exams before being issued asbestos abatement licenses. Exams will cover new practices, safer handling procedures and proper disposal methods.

Additional regulations will prohibit all uses of matches, cigarette lighters and smoking on the same floor where asbestos abatement is taking place to ensure all protective gear is being worn.

Discussions on the proper handling of asbestos materials and educating contractors on how to prevent exposure can better prepare those that encounter asbestos. Even professional asbestos abatement companies can improperly remove asbestos and fail to use protective equipment.

Council Speaker Christine Quinn said, “Taken together, these 12 measures represent a significant overhaul of the City’s demolition and asbestos abatement procedures.”

Additional information about mesothelioma and asbestos may be found through the Mesothelioma Center.

Mesothelioma Patients Can Turn to Yoga for Mind/Body Therapy

Yoga Bear, a non-profit organization started in 2006, supports the belief that "cancer patients and survivors can benefit from yoga as a complementary treatment in cancer recovery." The MD Anderson Cancer Center, known for their mesothelioma treatment center, also agrees with this approach offering yoga classes for patients in their cancer center.

Mesothelioma, an unusual form of cancer which can take up to five decades to be properly diagnosed, is responsible for approximately 3,000 new cases each year in the United States. Although there is no cure for mesothelioma, it can be treated with varying degrees of success through the use of surgical procedures, chemotherapy and radiation, accompanied by holistic therapy.

Holistic therapy and yoga offers students a mind/body approach to coping with mesothelioma and other cancers. One study conducted by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine found that yoga offers beneficial effects on social functioning among breast cancer survivors. Also, yoga appears to enhance emotional well-being and mood.

The team at Yoga Bear is dedicated to offering both patients and survivors with opportunities for wellness and healing and matches them with free local yoga classes. Yoga Bear also provides on-site yoga classes in hospitals across the country including George Washington University Hospital, Kaiser, Maimonides, and Mt. Sinai, cancer centers, and through support groups such as The American Cancer Society and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Yoga is the primary activity that can "massage" all internal glands, organs and joints of the body that rarely, or never, get externally stimulated during our entire lifetime. This stimulation and massage benefits the health of mesothelioma patients by improving flexibility and mobility.

Before undertaking yoga, or any exercise regimen, check with your physician.
